
Not Me...or my husband and children...Monday

So it's been a LONG time since I've done Not Me Monday, and it's because it feels like I am ALWAYS one post behind. Today I am two posts behind, but I decided to get back in to Not Me Monday because it makes me feel so much better. So here it goes...with the two posts I am behind to come later...at some point...maybe.

It was not my husband who had gum surgery where they cut his gums open, scraped them, and then stitched them back together with no anesthesia...by choice!!

And it was not his wife who probably MORTIFIED him when I wore my zebra shoes WITH my pajamas at a house full of our friends because, well, I was feeling wild!

And it was not our son who announced, while his sister was reading random facts off the internet about 82% of people pee in the shower, that HE pees in the bathtub. Big deal!

And it was certainly not our daughter who had no idea she was being filmed, with headphones in her ears with her iPod, who sang like this:

while her mother did certainly film it and then post it on here to further mortify my almost middle-schooler.

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