

Dad Dad is CONSTANTLY telling me there is no compassion on Jose Cisneros (our street). He seems to forget how much there was wasn't on Country Club (the street I grew up on).

I was SHOCKED last night when my mom was making a chocolate cake and offered Kylee the spoon to lick. (not shocked yet. it's coming) After the cake was done and the icing on, she let her get ANOTHER spoon and take a BITE from the cake. This cake was for her bible study last night because it was somebody's birthday. They would have NEVER let me take a bite out of that cake! Never! I would have had to wait until AFTER bible study. But, nope, that girl sure did take her spoon, put it in the cake, and come out with a big 'ole spoon full of chocolate. After she leisurely cleaned that spoon, she went to stick it in the cake AGAIN!!


Since I KNEW MY mother would stop her if she had seen her, I said, "Kylee! No. That's enough." My mother turns around to see what she's doing -- Dad Dad is sitting quietly watching the whole thing play out, smiling -- she said, "Kylee, that's for my bible study." (FINALLY the mother I knew is back!) Then, "If you want some more, Bug, get another spoon."


Kylee goes to the silverware drawer, gets another spoon, and goes back for more...all the while smirking at me! Shock, total and utter shock.

So I say, "You guys would have NEVER let me do that!" And Dad Dad says, "And you are a better person for it. Twenty years from now, remember this day."

NO COMPASSION on Jose Cisneros, Country Club, OR Charles Owens!!!

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