
Generation 2000

Kylee had another performance today at Generation 2000 downtown this morning. I asked her last night to take a shower and wash her hair so we could just curl it this morning, but what do I know? I'm just the mother. She didn't. So, of course, this morning she's running late. I told her 257 times to get in the shower, which she ignored. Finally I just told her that I didn't care if she was late because it wasn't school, and it really wasn't important to me. For some strange reason, that lit a fire under her. She moved like I've never seen her move before.

She was still late. She was SUPPOSED to be here at 10:30, but she didn't actually GET there until 10:50. They danced at 11:05. The ONLY reason she made it that "early" is because her mother lied and actually does care and should have gotten a ticket on the way. In the hurry, though, I forgot my camera. boohoo So you'll just have to go with the phone pictures and videos her Dad and I got.

She actually danced four dances, and Joey got bits and pieces of all of them, but the quality is so bad, I'm just giving a little preview of one.

After she danced, there was other stuff for the kids to do. They had a lot of the same stuff they had at Spooktacular in October, like this slide

And they also had a few other things.

One of the radio stations had several contests the kids could join and win prizes. When they announced the hula-hooping contest, of course, my daughter was so there. So her brother decided to join, too.
Neither of them won, but it was great fun and big laughs.

But not quite as big as the laughs we had on the next activity we found. I don't even know how to describe, so I will let pictures speak their thousand words.

Did they make you laugh as hard as they made us laugh. Oh, it was fun!

When we headed out to go to lunch (because I was about to eat my arm off. Remember, we were late this morning, so everybody ate but who? That's right, the mother), we found something that quickly sobered our moods.
UGH!! I've had more problems with the tires on THIS vehicle than any I've EVER owned. Think it's time for these wheels!

tehehe!! And, of course, I said as much. After lunch and after shopping for new closet doors for the kids (joy, oh joy), off to the dealership we went. Just not to the RIGHT dealership! :-( Instead of Toyota, we went to Chevrolet. You know, there's a big price difference and all.

Y'all, I just can't commit to beer

when I could have really, really WANT champagne!!

I didn't get a new vehicle. I'm going to keep driving this one I have until I get over myself conform my beer budget to my champagne taste. UUGGHH!

On that note....GOOD NIGHT!

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