
Clever Kids Weekend

We spent the weekend with the Hayes again. It wasn't intended. It just happened.

Jackson has joined the t-ball team. Shawn's really been wanting to get him into sports, but everything they've tried, Jack just isn't interested. His one last shot was to put him in with Blaine and see if Blaine could rub off on him. He's only been to two practices, but he LOVES it! The best part is...he wants to do EVERYTHING Coach Joey says....and corrects his dad if he's not doing it right.

Anyway, the boys had a t-ball scrimmage Saturday afternoon. Afterwards, we all decided to go eat. We knew the kids were going to start plotting as soon as we were there to go home together, and we weren't wrong. So they came home with us. Since they have just moved to their new house, Lisa had a lot to get done. I told her we had nothing, to let the kids come with us. Of course THEN they plotted to spend the night together. We caved.....kinda. Shawn said they could spend the night IF I cooked breakfast and they were invited. I agreed.

The kids did really well. I was so proud of them. The boys played so well together and got along

famously! This was Blaine's first sleepover with somebody not related. He slept at Jack's once and did well, and now Jack has slept at our house and done well. I have a feeling they will not let us go so long before doing it again.

And the girls....well, they did their thing. I'm not even REALLY sure what that was because we didn't see them much. I know they went through Kylee's baby clothes because they washed the whites and the "darks". When I realized this morning I hadn't taken any pictures of them (since we hadn't seen them), I went upstairs to get a picture so I would have it. They did NOT cooperate! First, they squealed and moved so fast that this: is what I got. Then they squealed and covered themselves up, so this: is what I got. Then they uncovered again, but still squealing and wiggling, so another blurry
is what I got. On this one, somebody actually kicked my hand, so the whole picture is blurry.
Yes, they BOTH slept on the TOP bunk of Kylee's beds. When I asked why they did that, Kylee told me it was so they could talk. I later found out they have planned a "double date" next weekend that the mothers are supposed to take them on. HMMMM We'll see.

This morning, the boys were up by six, up and at 'em, and LOUD! By 6:45 they were asking to go in the backyard and play.
It was the best idea I had heard all day! I waited until about 7:30 and called Shawn to see what time they would be here for breakfast and what I was supposed to make. His wife (yay!) replied to say, no, that I wasn't cooking that we were going out. So we all went to Mama's (my fave!) and had breakfast. The girls cleverly plotted to leave Katy's phone at our house so they would have to come back. It didn't work. Lisa said I'd just have to bring it to her tomorrow. So we all went our separate ways.
Fun weekend!

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