
Sup3r B0wl Weekend

Wow! It's Wednesday and still no weekend post. Welcome to my life.

Friday night we met the Hayes at P.F. Changs. Shawn was working, but we still got to see him. The kids, of course, went back to the kitchen to check things out with him. After they came back, I had to take Blaine to the bathroom. While we were in there, I asked him if the kitchen was as cool as ever. He said, "Yup. And I got to taste lobster!" He knows that's my favorite, and I know Changs does not have lobster, but I just went with it. When we got back out, I asked Shawn what he had let them taste in the kitchen. He hadn't tasted anything. That boy was just pulling my leg, trying to make me jealous because he knows I love lobster. Silly boy!

Saturday was a pretty regular day. Kylee went to dance; Blaine to t-ball. I did laundry all flippin day since I had been in Ruidoso the weekend before.

Sunday we headed to the Hayes' for the Super Bowl. We had a great time, good foods, and lots of laughs.
The girls hung out with the "older" boys because, you know, they are older and more mature...and very giggly....

...except when they would come by where we were. Every time they came by there, their faces were set as though they had smelled a fart. Ah, girls!

The boys just laughed and played and had a great time. They were so silly, and cared nothing about the game.

For the big boys, however, it was all seriousness.

It was so serious we teased about needing Gamblers Anynomous! They were betting on CRAZY things! How long would it take Carrie Underwood to sing the national anthem? How many times would they show Kim Kardashian?

All in all it was a great time!
Geuax Saints!

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