
Not me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

When Kylee, while reading from a book she got from the book fair, asked Blaine, How often do you make the bed; everyday, sometimes, never, my son certainly did not reply, "Yeah, never! Boys don't make beds. Mommies do!"

It was not me who got up Saturday morning, couldn't find my socks, so I just put on two different ones from the piles of laundry on the floor. It was also not me who then proceeded to take my daughter to dance class in my pajamas with those same two unmatched socks on. I also did not then go to my mother's to drop off their lunch, only to have my mother tell me, "I certainly hope you haven't been anywhere looking like that!" Nope, not me!

It was not my daughter who, after being told to eat before dance, did not eat. It was also not same said child who then called me FROM dance after being there 25 minutes and ask me to bring her something. And I certainly did not tell her that I would NOT bring her something, that she would just have to wait. I would never starve my child!

It was not I who scooped up stuff from the wooden chest at the end of my bed only to have a big 'ole plank of wood shoot all the way down to the quick UNDERneath my fingernail! I was not such a wimp that I puked from the pain. And it certainly wasn't my loving husband who nervously LAUGHED the whole time he was pulling the plank from underneath my nail.

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