
Happy 11th Birthday, Kylee McK

Dear Kylee,

You are 11 today, turning into a true tween and beginning to be a young lady. When you and I started this journey as Mommy and daughter, I was so scared to be your Mommy. Uncle Kyle told me I wouldn't always be so scared, and you would be the best thing that ever happened to me. Truer words have never been spoken. You have been a ray of sunshine in my life. Becoming your Mommy made me better. I was so in love with you from day 1. I didn't even want to leave you to go to the movies! Here are some of the things I will always remember about you as my girl:

  • My first sonogram with you, you were sucking your arm. It was the first glimpse I got of your beautiful face. As soon as you were born, you were sucking your arm as I held you....and you kept right on. Dad Dad used to tease you would be doing it in school. Never did we imagine you actually would! I'm so proud that you do your thing, knowing you're not hurting anybody else, and you have the self-confidence to suck that arm when you need comfort!
  • You don't call Dad Dad "Ha Dad" anymore, but you love him and love on him as much as you did when you were tiny.
  • You don't say "to got for" instead of "forgot to" anymore. Now you text on that cell phone like a champ.
  • You still play teacher every now and then in your room, but now you have mirrored closet doors to write on and don't have to use just the windows. I sure wish those mirrored closet doors could talk, especially as you continue to grow up.
  • You're still young enough to call me Mommy and give me a kiss, but you are certainly old enough to call me Mother when you don't like what I've said.
  • I can't pick your clothes for you anymore. I would NEVER just bring something home to you for you to wear and think you would be ok with that....even if it IS from Justice, the best store in the world in your eyes.
  • Although you love shoes like your Mom Mom, you are like your Mommy in that you find one pair that is comfortable and tend to wear them forever.
  • You have loved to dance since you were three, and you still do. You improve so much every year!

I love you, Kylee-bug! Happy 11th birthday! I know this year, as you finish elementary and head into middle school is going to be a wild one, for both you and me. But I know the love we share will carry us through the laughter and the tears.



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