
10 Things You Might Not Know...

but you probably do 'cause I'm a pretty open book.

I was over at Beth Moore's blog this morning, and I thought his would be fun...especially since there's nothing else going on in our house.

The kid are still on spring break, but Joey and I are working our tails off. They are going to Terry's and loving it. They mostly talk about the food..ha! They even had requests for her. Not that she minds. She's a little like me in that she doesn't mind cooking; it's deciding WHAT to cook that's the problem. Today is sopita. Yesterday morning, Blaine got up and said, "DON'T feed me breakfast today! I'm going to Terry's."

Ok....back to my original post....10 things you might not know, but probably do.

1. I LOVE Laffy Taffy and Starburst.
2. I DON'T like to be called "Baby". Babe is ok, but Baby...please don't.
3. I hate shoes. I don't wear them unless I have to. They are the first thing to come off, even at work.
4. I don't like "sticky" or hard hair, so I just don't use any "product". That's right, no moose, no hairspray, nothing. I have, however started using It's a 10, which my hairstylist calls "Hair Crack", and I love it. It's just a leave-in conditioner. Last night after her bath Kylee said, "Mommy, can you come put crack in my hair, please?" Joey was moritifed.
5. I am obsessed with figuring out just the right gift for everybody. I can't stand giving a gift that hasn't been completely obsessed over thought out for days.
6. I want a subscription to People magazine but can't make myself get one. I just sneak them in the groceries at the WalMart check-out.
7. I spelled my daughter's middle name awkwardly. It is not McKay. It is McK. Yes, there is a reason for it. She was due on my Poppy K's birthday.
8. I want a lap dog. I don't have time for one. I don't need one. I shouldn't have one. I just want one.
9. WhenI make Hamburger Helper for supper, even when the kids request it, I feel like a failure as a mother. Shouldn't I make them a "real" meal? I do it anyway.
10. I love Fruity Pebbles.

Y'all do this too! It'll be fun. Comment a link or just your list.

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