

While Kylee and I were laying around Saturday, I noticed Remington seemed a little off. I just wasn't quite sure if he was just being lazy with us or if there was something wrong. Sunday morning, I knew for sure something was wrong. He was lethargic and lifeless. He wouldn't get up and move around. He wouldn't even turn his eyes at us when we called his name.

There wasn't a whole lot I could do. It was a Sunday, on Memorial Day weekend. I text Joey in Ruidoso and told him something was up. I asked him if we could call Wiley, his friend, the vet. He said he would check on him when he got home.

When we got home from the dance recital, Remington was the same. Lethargic. Lifeless. I was scared. I kept it together for the kids, but on the inside, I was freaking out. Joey said it was too late to call Wiley. About 11 p.m., I told him we had to take him to the doggie ER. I was terrified. Blaine had had a long weekend and was tired and moody, almost lifeless himself. Joey, Kylee, and Katelyn loaded him up and took him to the ER.

He has double ear infections. They gave him ear drops and some pain meds. Monday morning, though, he was still lifeless, and I was still scared. Joey called Wiley, and Wiley said he was probably in a lot of pain, and the pain meds would put him in la la land, too. I wasn't convinced. He was that way before pain meds. Joey seemed convinced he was fine.

I didn't go or do anything Memorial Day, mostly because I was scared our puppy was dying. That night, I started texting Dawn to see what she thought. As soon as I did, Joey got him up, fed him, doctored him, and took him outside. He was walking around, wagging his tail, and had a wet nose.

I started bawling. Weird, right? I had held it together and been so good, and now he seemed to be improving, and I was a mess.

Today, he is continuing to improve. When we got home from Kylee's field trip, he actually came to greet us. He's still moving like an old man. I'm not sure if it's because his head hurts from the ear infections or if it's the medicine making him loopy, but I am so happy and relieved. I just hope that's it, that he continues to get better and it's not something else. I guess I'm still a little scared. He's not 100%, but he's 100% better than he was!

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