
My Own Tuff on Buck Buckerson

Blaine has been begging to go swimming. We keep telling him it's just too cold. Yesterday afternoon, he played in the sprinkler for a while and was convinced it was NOT too cold. He just doesn't realize he's not immersing himself in the water. To shut him up pacify him, I told him I would take him swimming at Dad Dad and Mom Mom's tomorrow (today).

After he and his Daddy went to the softball game today, we met for lunch. He kept going on and on about going swimming. Kylee had a little project (to be blogged about soon) to work on, so Joey said he would help her and I could take Blaine. So off we went.

He stuck his feet in, told me it was cold, but not that cold, and he had heard if you jump in, it's not as cold. He jumped.

It knocked the breath out of him, I could totally tell, but he was not about to admit it. Every little pool toy he got out excited him like he'd never seen it before. He got out the noodle...and giggled like a girl. He got out the raft...and giggled like a girl. He got out the underwater torpedo...and giggled like a girl. Then he said, "I'm getting back in!! But I need a little break."
It had been ten minutes! I'm convinced, though that he did need a break, from his chattering teeth.

To my surprise, he actually did get back in. I was reading my book and looked up to see this.

This raft is no longer a raft. It is his bull, Buck Buckerson. It totally cracked me up! I could not quit laughing. I had to get a video of him telling me the details. This isn't even half of the stuff he told me, but it was so funny, I got a clip.

Oh, to be eight again!

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