
My Mother's Day

You've read about Blaine's Mother's Day to me, ah-mazing! When I got up Sunday morning, he and Joey had gone to the farm to let me sleep a while, because, you know, Blaine is up at 6:30, no matter what day it is. He did bring me a card back that said he won the jackpot when he got me for a mom. Again, I melt.

When Kylee got up, she also had a little something for me. She said she couldn't find a gift bag she liked, so she just made one.

You're welcome Kylee for all the creativity I poured into you while you were in the womb. (ha! NOT! She's SO much more creative than I.)

Inside the bag was a special little token she bought for me with her own money.

I love it, so much! It now sits on the bar, right in front of my kitchen sink where I spend the most time. Thanks, Bug!
Daddy didn't do too shabby either. He got me a mani, pedi, massage. Yay, me!

Thanks to my family for all my goodies!

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