
Mission Ruidoso Christmas...Accomplished

This Christmas was such a snow cluster! Plan A was to leave Papa and Nana's and head to Ruidoso to meet Pops and DD and the rest of the Taylor clan in Ruidoso. But it snowed. A lot. The roads from Midland to Ruidoso were closed, and the roads from El Paso or Pecos to Ruidoso weren't exactly the safest. We went to Plan B. We decided to leave here and head to Midland. Then I got a text for Plan C. We were leaving the day after Christmas and meeting in Ruidoso.

Monday morning, we activated Plan C and headed to Ruidoso. Plan A included the kids staying with Pops and DD at their cabin while the grown kids stayed at a rented cabin. Since we were the first to get to Ruidoso, we went and got the key for the rented cabin and started Fiesta stackups there. When everybody got there, we welcomed Dawn's parents, Don and Pauline, to the madness. Yes. Pops and DD have been married 13 years and some of us had never met her parents. It oughtta be a crime. I mean, really!

Then we activated Mission We're Starving
followed by Hurry Up and Open Presents So the Kids Will Shut Up

The rest of our Christmas day in Ruidoso was just as it should be. There was lot of joking,
playing pool,
hanging in the clubhouse/closet,
grand pictures,
and playing favorites ;-).

Then the littles went to spend the night with Pops and DD, and the bigs hung out at the rental and were silly. No comment on that at this time...or anytime.

The next morning, Joey left EARLY to get back to work. Kyle, Myra, Michael and I had breakfast and then headed out to Pops and DD's to see the littles. They had snow fun.
Then Paige and Ryan came to join us and while Don and Bandit napped Pauline taught the rest of us how to play hand and foot. I'm addicted. I love it. Maybe because Pauline was my partner and we kicked butt and took names!!

Then they left. Kyle, Myra, Michael, and McKenzie went first. Then Paige and Ryan. Kellie stayed with the kids and I, though, and we were excited about that. McKenzie was going to stay, but it was naptime when they left, and she wanted her Mama. We're told she woke up in Roswell rested and wanted to come back. She didn't get to.

That night the kids and I headed back to the rental and hot tubbed it. I have no pictures, though, because I was in the hot tub with them. We also found some of Kyle's clothes he had left behind, and Kellie dressed as her Daddy. Girlfriend is fun-ny!

We spent the rest of the week being with Pops and DD and hanging out in Ruidoso. Wednesday, the kids baked a from-scratch, homemade German chocolate cake for Pops' 59th birthday, and then we went to Ken and Jaye's for a yummy dinner and birthday celebration.

Pops and the kids ended the night in the game room,

and we ended our trip to Ruidoso with great memories.

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