

We have so much to be thankful for. Sometimes I think we forget just how much, but this Thanksgiving, our family did some serious Thanks-living.

We started in Pecos, with our annual gathering at Kyle and Myra's house. The boys fried the turkeyswhile Mom Mom slaved away in the kitchen, the adults visited, and the kids played. While we are so thankful to have happy, healthy children, they are getting to an age that we never see them. They are off playing. I took thiswith some 15x zoom.

After lunch,there was more playing, watching of football, and the annual massages.It was a greatgrand
day with lots of laughs...especially with these guys around!Jack and especially Jennie crack.me.up! I'm so glad they come to Thanksgiving every year!

After all the festivities, the boysheaded off to deer camp, leaving the girls...and some boys.

These girls,well, let's just say they make my day thanks-living for sure. After learning to change a diaperfor future babysitting gigs, Myra and I took them to Black Friday at their begging request, even after being cautioned if they went with us, there would be no Christmas gifts bought for them. We were going to take this onetoo, but she just didn't quite make it. So we headed out to the hopping place of WalMart in Pecos, Texas.

That sarcasm there was quickly squashed. It really was hopping! There was a LINE to get into the PARKING lot!! After jumping a curb and parking on the sidewalk, which thrilled Kellie and Kylee to no end, we followed the crowd. Y'all, I really think they were breaking a fire code! Every register was open with a line that started in the front and extended all the way to the back of the store! Myra and I knew immediately there would be no purchases made by us. After walking around marveling at the crowd for a few minutes, we announced to the girls we were outta there! They were devastated. Kylee said, "But we haven't even seen a fight!" ha!! These girls watch way too much TV! Myra and I kept walking. Since we were made to walk single file by the crowd, Myra was leading, followed by me, followed by Kellie, with Kylee bringing up the rear. I turned around to tell the girls we would take them for a coke or ice cream or something since the shopping was a bust just in time to hear Kellie say to Kylee, "Maybe we could piss off some old people....oh, Steph!" Ha! I <3 these girls, even if they say things they shouldn't! Just for fun, we did about six Chinese fire drills on the way home! (Good idea, Myra!) Their giggles were priceless!

Because this post has gotten so long, and I promised a post today on Thanksgiving, stay tuned tomorrow for the continuation of our Thanks-living weekend!

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