
Thanks-living at Deer Camp

I can't really tell you much about this one, as there are no girls allowed. I can tell you that I sent a disposable camera in Blaine's bag that was lost, along with Pops' phone, which had more pictures on it. I can also tell you that after finding out the camera and phone were lost, I text Pops on said phone telling him I couldn't believe they lost them. Because, you know, I am a genius.

I can't tell you where these pictures eventually came from, other than Joey text me some and put some on Facebook, but I can tell you my boy had the time of his life. I can't tell you what kind of hygiene was kept, but I can tell you deer camp stories from a 7-year old are hysterical and imitations of a grandfather by his grandson, priceless. I can't tell you what words were said, but I can tell you Blaine has told me stories that he says he left some of the words that were said out.

So while I can't tell you much about deer camp, I can tell you Blaine, his Daddy, his Uncle Kyle, Michael, and Pops were thanks-living it up!

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