
Summer Brain

Is there such thing as summer brain? You know, like pregnancy brain? Because I'm here to tell you, I have it!! The night before we left for Phoenix, we celebrated two of the most important people in my life. Did I blog about it? Nope! Summer brain.

Friday night, June 18th, we took Dad Dad and Mom Mom out to celebrate them. That Sunday, obviously, was Father's Day, and the 26th was Mom Mom's birthday. They got to choose where we went, and they chose the German place. The kids LOVE it there, too, because they have a "Polka DJ" who plays the Chicken Danceand the Burger Dance.

Dad Dad's "real" present hadn't come in yet (it has now and the kids can't WAIT for him to see it), so we had to improvise that night. Since we are headed to Disney World, we figured these would come in handy. We got Mom Mom those new tone-up shoes.

After the presents were opened and the food enjoyed, the kids hit the dance floor again before we left. They were so cute dancing together!

We really had fun, and we haven't seen them since! We left for Phoenix the next day, and when got back, they had left for the beach. They are supposed to be home tomorrow. Blaine told me last night he thinks it's been six months since he's seen them. That's what it feels like!

Happy Father's Day, Dad Dad, and Happy Birthday, Mom Mom!! See you tomorrow!

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