
Play on, Playa

It's playoff time, and we are in it hot and intense! It's a double elemination play-off. We won our first game, but lost our second. We have now won and put ourselves in a position to play tomorrow night where we again play the team that beat us in our second game. If they beat us again, we take second and they take first. If we beat them, we head into the championship on Saturday with them for the win.

At last night's game, my short stopwas feeling the pressure! He puts his heart and soul in this game, and he knew we had to win to stay in it. Who knew a six-year old would feel such pressure! He caught a fly ball, as he's been doing a lot of lately...and dropped it. Bless his tiny heart! He just couldn't shake it! He got back into position to wait for the next hitter, but he put his head down. I saw him shake himself little, like he was literally trying to shake off the miss, but he just couldn't. Then I saw the tears hitting the dirt. His Daddy saw it, too, and called a time-out. He recovered quickly then with positive reinforcement from his Dad/Coach and teammates. The very next play, he got the out.

Then when it was his bat,he knocked the TAR out of the ball and brought in two runners. The very next play, he slid into third as the ball hurdled toward the third baseman. When the baseman did not catch the ball, Derek Blaine jumped up from his slide and headed home, only to have to slide in between the catchers legs to get the run!

Wish us luck for tomorrow night when we hope to show the Gators who is boss and leave them in our dust this time!


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