
Wrong Memo!

I think Miss Kylee got the wrong memo on her birthday. She's not a teenager yet, but she's sure acting like she is!!

Yesterday she went to get a pedicure with Nana. Evidentally she was reading a trash magazine because I got this text:

The last "we will be late" saved my hide. I was at Blaine's game, and they were meeting us there. I just didn't answer. She didn't bring it back up.

Then today my judge was out, so I picked them up from school. I decided to let them go to the grocery store with me to pick out stuff for their lunches. They fought the entire time! Mom Mom called on our way home and said, "What are you doing?" I said, "These kids will not quit fighting, and I'm about to kill 'em!" It mad Kylee mad...of course. Blaine turned to her and said, "Diddy, STOP fighting with me. I'm only 7, and I don't want to be killed!" I'm not sure if my comment or Blaine's comment made her mad, but when we got home, she was livid. She stomped into the house, without a grocery bag, and was stomping around. I, of course, got on to her about not helping us with the groceries and stomping her feet. She walked stomped up to her room.

Mom Mom stopped by and went up to talk to her. After being up there a few minutes, Mom Mom came down to leave. She told me Kylee said, "I'm so glad I'm going to dance today!"

**I interrupt this regularly schedule Classic Cuties to bring you a story in the Saga of Step-parenting**
Dan and I were looking at pictures one time after I was grown. I said, "Man, I hated you then." He said, "Believe me, the feeling was mutual." OUCH! When Mom Mom told me Kylee was so glad she was going to dance, the feeling was definitely mutual!!
**Now back to Classic Cuties**

When Kylee came down, ready for me to take her to dance, she also wanted me to tie up her cargo pants. As I was tying them, I said, "Are you better now?" She just looked at me. I said, "Yes you are. You got your pout on, and now you're over it and all is fine." Again, she looked at me, but this time said, "I wish I had bought that shirt at the mall that said, I don't need your attitude; I've got my own!" That little @#$* knew better than to just blantantly tell me that, but she got her dig in anyway. I ignored her. Sometimes it's just better that way than to react.

Not only does she have the attitude of a teenager, she has the arrogance of one, too. I had to go to the school and pick up her report card. On the way to dance, I asked if there was anything she needed to tell me before I got her report card. She said her lowest grade was probably an 88 or 89. Good. Wrong. She had an 82 in...Band! Last semester, her lowest grade was a 97 in band. Now she has an 82? So I text herNope! No arrogance there!

Are tweens supposed to ACT like teens? Or did she get the wrong memo?

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