

Before the typical, though, I must start with one little teeny weeny atypical moment we had this weekend. Kylee got up EARLY Saturday morning to be at the school at 7:00a.m. for UIL. She makes me so so proud even after all the h-e-double-hockey-sticks she gives me!!! She was approached to do UIL dictionary and was not really interested but did it anyway. She got SECOND place!!

Now on to our more typical. Blaine had a baseball game. Typical. And...another black eye.Typical. (of Blaine) He used his eye socket to catch the ball instead of his glove during warm-up. I was a little afraid he would be ball shy after that, but he sure wasn't. He got out there for two double plays!

Kylee danced all weekend. Typical. She spent four hours at the studio on Saturday, and then she performed at Generation 2000 on Sunday. It was a really great place to have to wait on her to perform, too. They had all sorts of stuff for Blaine to do while he waited. He put on a puppet show for Joey and I, did jumbo puzzles, flew in the hot air balloon, jumped on the bungy cord jumpolene, played the pan/drums with the Spidermans, and just hung out.

Kylee totally strutted her stuff! Typical. I've probably said this before, but she is so shy and timid around those she doesn't know. But put that girl on a dance stage, and she shakes that tail feather! Watch:
Whip Your Hair (If you watch none of the others, be sure and watch this one, especially at 1:40)
Rock That Body
Soldier Boy

After she danced, everybody was so proud, they wanted to be around her, even JB! Then the kids did some of they rides at Generation 2000before we went and had lunch with Nana and Papa.
It was a very, very busy and, well, typical weekend at our house.

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