There was a parent meeting Tuesday night at Company. It has always been the policy of Champion Studios that the Company girls get a "free" class with their Company status. Kylee takes five classes, in two Companies, the jazz Company and the hip hop Company. We pay $65 a month. Evidentally, the ballet and gym parents, to which there are no companies, were complaining that they don't get free classes. (They also don't perform in public places for free promotion for the Studio or buy Company costumes...Ok. Not getting on my soap box now.) So they've jacked up the prices. For Kylee to stay in the classes she's in now, our cost will be $90 a month.
Ouch!! I'm not sure we can pull that off. In order for us to keep paying what we pay now, she gets two classes. So she goes from five classes a week to two classes a week, or we go from $65 a month to $90 a month.
Kylee flips. She loses it. I'm fuming mad. She's devestated. She crumples up the paper with the new rates on it and runs to the bathroom. We're still at the studio. She's so upset, she throws up. I've never seen this side of her. On the way home from the studio, she's going on and on about how they don't need a Christmas tree and decorations; they could do without them to save money. She's crying about how she's busted her butt for this, and they are ruining it for her.
When we get home, she goes straight to her room. She comes down with a letter for me to mail the studio.
Dear Champion Studios,
I have been dancing with you for 8 years. I know the ballet parents are complaining and all but their ballet shoes need speacial floor not ours. I am in 5 classes and now my mom says I can only take two, TWO! I ENJOY dancing and I don't think two hours of dance a week is going to cut it. I think there is going to be more ballet dancers than hip-hop and jazz dancers combind. I told people about you guys and a lot of people are here now. Please write back.
The person crying and writing the note,
Kylee Onick
I am in Hip Hop Jr, Hip Hop Sr, Jazz Jr, Jazz Sr, Jazz 3
P.S. I wanted to be a professional dancer when I grew up. If I can't learn new moves I can't live it.
That letter is her words, her spelling. I mailed it. I'm writing one of my own. This doesn't take effect until January 1.
Stay tuned.....
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