
Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

My ten-year-old daughter, when playing a random questions game and asked "What would you get up before sunrise for", did not reply, "LOVE!" Nope, she didn't. How would she know anything about that?

And my five-year-old son while watching the Transformers movie with his Daddy at the part where Optimus Prime died and there were tears streaming down his sweet little face did not say, "I don't know why there is water coming out of my eyes when I'm not even crying. That's weird!" Nope, he wouldn't make up stories to get away with crying. Not my son!

And I would never steal borrow money from my daughter's fund raising stash to get into my son's t-ball game because I had no cash. Nope, not me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Stephanie. I am just popping around to some of the Not Me's tonight. I LOVE the picture in your header! I can see so much happiness and love there : ) It makes my heart warm! : ) I totally understand why a person would need to 'borrow' money from the fund raiser funds : ) Not that you would ever do anything like that!

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