
P.S. .... MagiQuest

I forgot one of the "gooder" parts of our trip. The hotel had this game called MagiQuest. You bought swords or wands that they activated and then sent you on a quest. You had to go all over the hotel, all 8 floors, and find your next clue. It sent you to crytals and pixies and all sorts of cool stuff. If you were at the wrong treasure chest or wherever you were supposed to be, it would talk to you and say something like, "Sorry, Magi. You have not completed all tasks required to reach this level." If you had the right clue, it would say something like, "Congratulations, Magi, now move on to....blah blah blah." The kids LOVED it!!

Blaine got so into it that he had a whole little process he went through before he pointed his wand at the object. Soo funny!

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