
Braces and Balls

It was a big day yesterday in our house!

Kylee got her braces off after 20 months. She has to go back next week to get her retainer, but she has "slimy" teeth now.



Blaine's first t-ball game of the season was last night. They won 28-3, and it WASN'T because they played an awesome game. The poor other team looked like every single one of them had JUST turned four, and it appeared as if they had never practiced. They would run from first to third or home to third. One poor little guy slid into third base on his face. Here's a little video of our slugger.


Oh, and don't forget the cheerleaders. Kylee and these girls made up their own cheers during the games last season and now are regular little cheerleaders. I was going to get a video of them, but my battery died, so here is a picture. I promise I will get a video of Kylee loaded soon.

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