Blaine's asthma has been kicking his butt since Friday. Well, it probably started a couple of days before that, but by Friday the poor boy could not breathe. I had done the little asthma mom tricks here at home and knew it was time for pediatrician help. The doc said if I hadn't been dealing with asthmatic kiddos for the last 10 years, he'd put him in the hospital, but if I was comfortable and not scrared, he'd leave him at home and let me administer steriods. He upped his breathing treatments to every TWO hours AROUND THE CLOCK, and off we went. For those of you who don't have asthmatic kids, you have to keep them from doing anything that makes them breathe harder, since they are fighting to breathe anyway, and you give them medicine that keeps them wound tighter than a three day clock. By Sunday, this poor boy had cabin fever. I decided to let him go outside for a little bit with his sister with strict rules not to run, jump, skip, etc. He was outside 15 minutes, just basically sitting in the driveway running cars down the driveway while his sister brought them back to him, and he had a coughing fit and couldn't breathe. AND we were out of steriods. I figured we were headed to the hospital. I took him in this morning, and found out that he now has an upper respitory infection with his ears, nose, and throat also infected. When we left the doctor, I explained to him it would be another few days of no breathing hard. He said, "I'm going crazy. I'm about to start jumping around." ;) It is now 4:00 Monday afternoon, and he has been inside since Thursday night. I walk into the living room to find this :
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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