
2012 Ranger's Party

Once again this year, we had our season-, or two-season-end, as it were, party at the Neria's house. The boys ate pizza,

swam, got awards,

and had cake.

This season we head into real baseball. No more coach pitch. We're MLB now, baby, and we're ready!

Just a little Blaine-ism since this post is all about him. The other night, Kylee was at dance, but Blaine was with us in the car. Kylee is on a commercial from her flea market performance, and everybody in El Paso, it seems, has seen it. Except her parents. So we were talking about it, and I said, "Our kids are doing so well! Kylee is on TV, and Blaine has been in the newspaper. It's so cool!" Blaine piped up from the back and said, "AND I'm on the Socorro handbook --" (which is true)

"--AND I'm in the Socorro Administration building--"

Another thing the parents haven't seen, but we hear it's the same picture that is on the handbook, but it's life-sized.

"--AND I was on the news with those dogs when Didi danced--"

Again, true story, proven here.

Then my eight-year old, ever-so-modest son said, "So to me, I'm famous!"

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