
The Continuing Saga...

Rocket was gone for approximately 24 hours. As I went in to wake up Kylee yesterday morning, I saw him run across the floor. If I could have smashed him, I would have, and claimed I thought he was a rat. He is just a rodent, remember?! So I told Kylee where he went, that she better get him, and went back to my bathroom to do my make-up.

I once again heard the laughing and screaming and falling all over trying to grab the rocket rodent. This time, though, I knew what was happening and went about my business. Until the chaos traveled into my space. Yup, he came running into my bathroom, along with the three humans trying to catch him. Again, chaos. Laughing, screaming, falling, the works.

They caught him and put him back in his cage. Kylee and Joey got creative, I guess, and Saran Wrapped his cage to prevent escapes.

I indifferently told them he was going to either suffocate or eat through the Saran Wrap, which would choke and kill him. I may or may not have said that was fine with me, but I just thought they should know. They left him.

As of this morning, he has neither suffocated nor eaten through the Saran Wrap, committing suicide. He is alive and well. So I just decided to get y'all a picture.

Yup, he's in his tube in his cage. If you want a better picture, you're gonna have to come get it yourself. The rodent bites. Hard.

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