This morning when I was curling my hair, I burned the tip of my pointer finger on the curling iron. Bad. It's already blistered. It hurt. A lot. I kept a wet washrag around it while I was getting ready, and then I put some Neosporin + Pain on it and wrapped it in a bandaid. I was really worried it was going to hurt when I got into court and started writing on my machine. And it's not even Monday.
I got the kids off to school and was headed to work. Before I even got on the interstate, I was crossing an intersection on a green light. An old man ran the red light and hit me. Hard. It spun me around a couple of times, and I don't drive a little vehicle. I was hit on the back passenger side, and the front driver's side tire blew out. And it's not even Monday.
After I spun and came to a stop facing the WRONG WAY, a young kid came up to my car. He could not have been more than 17. He was so sweet, and he restored some of my faith in El Paso parenting. He was behind the other driver and said he saw him run the red light. He was asking if I was okay, told me to get out of the car, and told me not to worry. He was so sweet, ya'll. He said, "Are you sure you're ok? You're shaking a lot. Do you want me to go get you some orange juice or something?" Then he told me that he was going to stay with me and not to worry because it was not my fault. He told me he was going to stay with me as long as I needed him. He was just so sweet. When I turned around after Joey got there, the kid was gone. I'm going to get his name from the police report, though, because he and his parents deserve to be commended.
The other driver was a 75-year old man. Grandmommy is older than him (not by much!), and she looks, acts, and moves like she's about 40 years YOUNGER than him! After he hit me, he ran into a marquee pole. He's okay, physically anyway. When the cops asked him what happened, he told them he had no idea. Nice. His 'guardian' showed up. I'm not sure why this guy was driving, but he was. He was cited for running a red light, and he had insurance.
We've already talked to their insurance, and I am taking my car in in the morning to the hospital. I'm okay. He's okay. Is it Friday yet?
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