
Closet Doors

A year or so ago (maybe longer), Kylee wanted mirrored closet doors for her room. Both of the kids' closet doors were junk, and Blaine decided he wanted mirrored doors, too. It didn't take long for Blaine to break his, though. He says the baseball 'slipped out' of his hands and broke it. Only one side is broken. This week, I realized just why these kids love their mirrored closet doors.

Saturday night after one act play (I really am going to blog about it. I promise!), Kylee was feeling down, so she was laying in her bed watching Dance Moms on her iPad. I went in and sat on her bed to visit with her. When I got up to leave, she asked me to close her open closet door. I said, Does it freak you out to have your closet door open at night? I'm the same way. She said, A little, but really it's just because I can't see myself.

Monday morning when I told Blaine to go get dressed, I heard the music come on. He got an iPod docking station for Christmas, and had the tunes cranked up. And he was putting on a concert in front of his mirrored closet doors to Moves Like Jagger. In his underwear. And let me tell you, people, the boys actually does have Moves like Jagger. I have no picture or video because we were late. He wasn't supposed to be imitating Adam Levine! He was supposed to be getting dressed for school!

Oh, the mirrored closet door have multiple uses in our home and were worth every penny.

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