What a week! So much going on, so little time!
I was so sick last week. I had an infection in my intestines and missed FOUR days of work! The kids, of course, did not slow down at all. It was picture day, last week for fund raiser, and Blaine's first double header (which I missed :()
I'm feeling MUCH better this week, and everything is back in full swing. Blaine had another double header Saturday, which I did make. He has been moved up in divisions to the 6/7 division. Because of the way they set up the seasons, if you are six before he end of the SPRING season in May of '10, you have to be in the 6/7 division. SO...most of our boys are ONLY five playing against some boys who are already 7. Those 7 yr olds look like GIANTS. Anyway, we are getting beat more than usual, but the boys are really improving and love it.
Blaine is getting in the swing of school. We're still working on the "lellow dots". He does real good for a day or two (three, tops) and gets green dots, then we're back to yellow. If he gets green, he gets a quarter. If he gets yellow, no tv or computer for that night. Do you think he cares? NO! I have to say, though, he has made the transition into school very nicely. He doesn't cry or complain. He does his homework
and is real proud to share the new things he has learned. It's really sad because he's learning so much! He now says "hexagon" instead of "sexagon" and "purple" instead of "slurple"....unless, of course, he's talking to Dad Dad. He is still my baby boy, though. The other night he came in and asked if he could have a snack. When I asked him what he wanted, he told me a "granilla mar" (granola bar). He knew maybe that wasn't right because when he said it, he kinda shook his head and laughed and said, "Is that right? Granilla Mar?" I said, "Yup!" hehe And now every day he wants a granilla mar in his lunch or for snack. :-)
Kylee is REALLY making me sad! She's growing up SSOO fast and becoming such a young lady. There are no notes in her backpack. She is expected to remember things or right them down herself. There was, however, a note in her backpack night before last about a health video they want to show the kids about "phsysiological and emotional changes that occur during puberty." Kylee and I have had many talks about these things over this summer. I decided at the end of the school year last year that this summer was the time to do it since she was getting close to that age, but was still young enough to hear it from her mother and believe it. So I asked her what she thought about it. I told her she wasn't going to hear anything that she and I hadn't already talked about, but I thought all her friends WOULD be going and if she didn't go, she'd be stuck in a room by herself doing some boring assignment to keep her busy. She said, "Mom, I don't need anybody to talk to me about sex. It's a common-knowledge thing." WOW!!! The video is next Tuesday, the 8th, and she still hasn't decided if she's going or not. I was right, though. All her friends are begging her to go because their moms are making them go.
This week was Mr. Garcia's (the favorite teacher ever) birthday. HIs students, along with the school nurse and the school principal decided to throw him a surprise birthday party. Not only was it a surprise, it was a gag. See, he LOVES the Redskins and his wife LOVES the cowboys. Their garage is painted one side Cowboy colors and one side Redskin colors. It's a pretty major thing in their lives, because students and parents alike have heard about this from him. So the birthday party was all Dallas cowboys. The kids planned an elaborate party. Everybody had a job and something to bring....blue and silver. Of course, Kylee signed up for the cake...she ALWAYS does. It was really cute. They did a really good job, and he was surprised. He says he's going to get them back, though!
One more "cutitude" from my first born. This morning we were on our way to school on a dreary, gray and cloudy morning. The weather man came on the radio and said, "SUnny this morning...." From the backseat my tween (Gag!) cutie said, "Sunny? Seriously, dude? You should look about the window!"
Thank you, God, for the joy of motherhood!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
2 months ago
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