
Letter to My 13 Year Old

Dear Kylee,

You are officially a teenager! How did this happen? I remember when I was in the 7th grade! How can it be possible that I have a 7th-grade teenager?!

You are, thank God, so different than I was in the 7th grade in so many ways. You are a natural dancer. You have more rhythm in your pinky finger than I do in my whole body! You stretch and turn and move in ways I only dream of. Even as a cheerleader, which you swear you will never be, I did not have the moves you have. You are so kind and tender-hearted to everybody around you. While I had only a handful of, albeit really good, friends, you are friends with everybody you come in contact with. Even when you've been hurt and betrayed, you still worry about the one who hurt you. That is far beyond the maturity of a just-now teenager. Yes, you are far more mature at this age than your mother was.

You are, however, still your mother's daughter. The smallest thing can send you into a frenzy of dramatic reactions. Crying, screaming, sure the world is going to end, and if it doesn't, there is no way to show your face in it again. Oh, how I feel such strong emotions and understand exactly where you are. I was convinced, as much as Mom Mom was there for me, she could never know the magnitude of how bad I hurt. As your mother, I now know she hurt as much as I did, even if it was a different kind of hurt. Believe me, kiddo, I feel your pain. Even when it seems I'm being harsh or just mean to you, I'm only trying to help you learn to not let those emotions control you.

As we head into a new age with new adventures and trials, I'm so proud of you. I'm so excited to see where your teenage years lead you and the exciting things it brings for you. I also know we are headed into hormones and rebellion and maybe even you becoming more like your mother than I hope. It doesn't matter. I'm excited and ready because I already know how amazing you are. I love you, Bug!

Mommy Mom

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