Saturday Grandmommy spent the day, maybe her favorite of the year, hanging with all her peeps. I even got her a shirt to commemorate it.
Our sign makers, aka, Kylee and Kellie, made a sign-in sheet, and once everybody arrived and signed in, we proceeded to follow the invitation's promises.
There was so much food! Uncle Robert smoked a turkey, some ribs, AND a brisket, along with his homemade bbq sauce. So, so yummy!
Then we moved on to the egg hunt. Blaine, Jordan, and Christian decided this year they were too big for hunting eggs, so they helped the bigger boys hide them.
The master (Robert) also taught them the trick to hiding the golden egg.
I'm not sure if it's a secret or not, so my lips are sealed. And then Grandmommy lead out the pack (flock? herd?)of hunters, and they were off!
Yup, Kylee and Kellie, both older than Blaine, Jordan and Christian, joined the hunt. They knew there were IOUs in them, and they were all about it. At one point, I even said to Kylee, "Hey, you missed one right here!" She said, "I don't want the REAL eggs, Mom!" Then she headed straight inside to Grandmommy to cash in those IOUs!
The next invitation promise is fun. That was included in all the other promises, but also fun came in visiting,
holding babies,
and confetti eggs
And the last promise on the invitation, but the one most prominent at Grandmommy's Easter was family, Grandmommy's peeps.
After all was said and done, I think the list read we fed and hunted and loved on just over 50 people. We were tired, but there's always a little more game playing left with Grandmommy's peeps.
So until next year...
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