

I have no pictures from this weekend. None. Zip. Zero. Nada. Not even a CELL phone picture. Nothing. Right then is when I should have known I was getting sick. But I didn't.

Friday night, we took our sweet friend Courtney and her sister and Dad out to dinner at Leo's (A picture I stole from Courtey's Facebook page, since I have none of my own!)
Courtney leaves for collegeThursday. It's going to be a great adventure for her, but we will miss her!

Saturday was typical t-ball and dance. Then we took the kids to spend the night at Papa and Nana's. When we left them they were in the pool, and we barely got a nod for a goodbye. So we went to dinner with the Hayes. Then Kylee called. Her eyes were "swollen shut", at least that's what she told me. Not the case. We picked her up. Blaine stayed.

Sunday morning, I did not feel well at all. There wasn't anything specific I could tell you. I just didn't feel well. I sorted my laundry, got two loads done, and just laid on the couch. At some point, Joey picked up Blaine and supper. By that time, the bug had taken over. I was so sick. For two days. Now you know why there have been no post updates. There have also been no updates to my laundry status or to my refrigerator or pantry. Seems like I have a lot of "updating" to do.

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