
Moving On Up Down

Blaine woke up Wednesday night complaining that the right side of his nose and up to his eye hurt, so I told him I would get him some Motrin. He told me he didn't think that would work because it hurt up, like to his brain, like his brain was going to shut off. When I started pushing around, I think he had a sinus headache. He woke up again in the night, still complaining that it hurt, and it hurt when I took him to school.

I was a little worried about him, because he just didn't quite right. He just wasn't himself. I called the nurse right before lunch to check on him, but she hadn't heard from him. I figured that was a good sign. When I got home, Kylee told me that she had asked him if he still had his sinus headache. His reponse was, "No, now it moved down into my leg."

Kylee is still enjoying middle school. Yesterday she had another new experience...changing in the locker room with all the other girls. I was pretty surprised, because she does take after me and her Mom Mom and is not modest, but she was embarrased. But then I found out why. All of her friends wear bras; she doesn't. She just doesn't need one yet, and I don't want her to have to wear one longer than she has to! But she said that all her friends looked like they had bikinis on, and she didn't, so she just got her friends to "cover" her because the coaches wouldn't let them use the bathroom stalls. She is really growing up!

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