***Update. I know it's Wednesday and I haven't up dated on the first day of school from Monday, but I have a good reason. Middle schoolers are so smart...just ask 'em! Kylee informed me she actually had
two first days of school, so I should wait.
I'll explain. Our middle schoolers have "block" scheduling. She has four classes on A day and four different classes on B day, kinda like college. So Monday she had Science, Theater Arts, Health, and Band. That's her A day. Her second first day of school, B day, is Math, P.E., Social Studies, and Reading.
She loves middle school. There is somebody she knows in all of her classes. Her health teacher is awesome. Theater Arts is all she wanted it to be, except they won't have a show until the 4th nine weeks. Health is boring. Remember the drama about band? She might stay in. That's basically how her first day of school went.
Her second first day of school is as follows: Math and Social Studies are ok. Her P.E. teacher is, evidentally, ancient and says her name wrong. When I asked her how he said it, she said, "Like you say it with no teeth!" Then she curved her top lip over her top teeth and attempted her name. Her reading teacher is a fellow dancer and is amazing! She has three minutes between each class, and she does not have a locker. She will have to carry her books for each class on their respective days. She has not said this, but you can tell she feels totally grown up.
Blaine only had one first day of school. Bless his heart. (hehe) When I picked him up his first day, the first thing he said to me was, "I already know Ms. Sanchez is going to be a
really nice teacher!" They got to sit wherever they wanted that day, but Ms. Sanchez wsa going to choose where they were going to sit for the rest of the time. His favorite thing about his first day? Playing with the blocks.
That night Kylee asked me to check the menu for the middle school cafeteria (middle school has two choices; elementary only has one) so she could decide if she was eating there, Blaine said, "Don't even check for me! I'm taking my lunch! If you eat in the cafeteria, you have to clean up after yourself. I'm NOT doing that, so just pack my lunch!" You see, he just shoves his trash back in the lunch box instead of throwing it away. I said, "Blaine!" He said, "What? I'm a boy, and I'm not cleaning up after myself! My Daddy doesn't clean up after himself, I'm not cleaning up after mine!" They are men from day one! UGH!
Today is the first day of school, 2010. My firstborn is now in middle school (6th)
, and it makes me want to puke! My baby is a 1st grader,
and that makes me throw up a little in my mouth, too!
I am so proud of both of them!
They got up this morning with no problems, despite not being able to get to sleep last night.
Since we had met Blaine's teacher,
Ms. Sanchez, and knew were he was going, we dropped off Blaine first. He walked in like it was no big deal, got his picture made, and sat down. When I bent down to tell him goodbye, he looked at me like, Don't you DARE kiss me! So I said I hope he had a great day and I would see him this afternoon and walked away. I looked back, but he never looked at me again.
Then I headed over to the middle school with Kylee. We went straight to the counselor's office. Of course, we weren't the only ones there, so we just got in line. She ran into several kids she knew, including Jillian
, who was wearing a little mascara. This middle school thing was making me WAY more nervous than it was Kylee. When the bell rang, the counselors sent the kids to class and let the parents wait for schedule changes. I walked Kylee to her class, was dismissed, and went back to the counselor's office.
I found out that they are not changing elective schedules for 2-3 weeks, in order to get the academic schedules straightened out first...which is totally understandable. I did ask what she would be doing in band, since I wouldn't be buying her an instrument in the meantime. The counselor was very sweet, said he loved Kylee's name, and would see what he could do. He also told me to leave a message for the principal, Ms. Marion, and that she would get back with me.
Kylee doesn't know any of this since she was in class, so we'll see how she reacts. I'm sure there will be plenty of first day updates this afternoon. Stay tuned....