
Stripper Shoes

Yes, I know, a blog post about your daughter should be ballet shoes, not stripper shoes. But, evidentally, my daughter has an obsession with stripper shoes.

We went to Target to spend the yard sale money that was burning a hole in their pockets. We had some time to kill, so we were silly.This is a preview of no Halloween costumes, just fun.

After they spent their money and had their fun, we went over to Payless for a part of Blaine's costume (more on that later), but Kylee went NUTS!!When I told her they were stripper shoes, of course, she just rolled her eyes. (Now, for those of you that come here, I don't mean that all these shoes are stripper shoes for adults. But when you are 12...just sayin'!)

We had a fun little afternoon of shopping that left my son wiped out! When I looked in my sideview mirror on the way home, thisis what I saw.

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