
Halloween Scream Tournament

The Rangers played in their first tournament this weekend at the Sportsplex. Saturday they got off to a rough start, and by the end of the day, these seven-year olds were exhausted and a little disheartened.

But this morning, they came back renewed and with a vengeance. They played like the champions we always knew they were. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever been as proud of these boys.

Between games, we took them to IHOPto refuel their little tanks.

They rallied, won all day, and claimed the championship title of the silver division. They were so excited!And went to get their awards.They even got the necklaces that are all the crave in the baseball world.

Papa was there for every game, and Blaine wanted so hard to make him proud. Last night after the games, he was talking to Blaine about catching the ball with both hands so he could turn the play quicker. Blaine was so tired, we weren't sure he was listening. The first ball Blaine caught today...with both hands...Papa turned to me and said, "See that!" He caught all his balls today with both hands, and I could tell (even from the little emotion we get from him) Papa was proud. It was fitting Blaine took his necklace to Papa to put it on him.He was gone before we took pictures with the awards, though, so Blaine just settled for his parents.

Congratulations, Rangers! We are so proud of the champions you are becoming!

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