

Call the press! This is one for the record books, really. Myra and I went to Stanton Trade Days for a little shopping (NO! That's not for the record books. Be patient, now, it's coming) while Kyle kept the kids, all four of them! (There it is!) Oh, yes, he did!

The kids and I headed to Pecos Friday night for the weekend. Joey had to work. Saturday morning, Myra and I got up early and headed to Stanton. McKenzie and Blaine were awake, but the "big girls" were sleeping in. Kyle had VOLUNTEERED to keep them all. As we were heading out the door, Kyle said, "Can Blaine bowl?" (He has a broken collar bone, remember.) I said, "Um..no!" Kyle said, "What about the water slide?" Again, "Um...no!" "Can I take them to the ranch?" My response was, "No. He can't be bounced around on those roads." McKenzie, in all her four-year-old wisdom said, "Daddy, let's just wait and talk about this when Aunt Steph leaves!" Hardy har har! Myra and I laughed...and left.

After we had been in Stanton a couple of hours, Kyle texted us and told us he was taking them to Odessa to the movies. I texted him back and told him I didn't care if he did that, but he didn't need to do that, that they were just fine playing and entertaining themselves. Before he answered me, Myra called him and told him basically the same thing. He was none too happy. He said, "I got this! I know I don't have to! Do you want me to babysit or not? I got this!" I told Myra, "We probably shouldn't call him back. We should probably just leave him alone."

So we did. We shopped; they saw. When we were finished shopping, we met them in Odessa. After a carousel ride
, some video game playing, and Kylee's first experience with two shop- lifting teenagers who got busted in Claire's, we headed back to Pecos.

As Kylee and I were headed out of El Paso to Pecos, I realized I had forgotten my camera. I debated and debated with myself about it, and finally I couldn't stand it. I went back and got it. Then, I never used it. Genius that I am. So you'll have to excuse the pictures.

Sunday the kids and I came home. I had Monday off, so we hung around the house...and made zombie faces with powder.
And Mom laughed, because, after all, you're only a kid once!

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