
First Lost Tooth!

Blaine lost his first tooth Sunday morning! He was eating Fruity Pebbles and just said, "I lost a tooth." Then a little bit louder said, "I lost a tooth!!" Haha!

Last night while we were getting ready for bed, he had his little hands propped up on the window sill looking out the window. (My camera battery was dead because Kylee watched herself dance so much on it. That post is next.) I said, "Whatcha doin, Son?" He said, "I'm watching for the tooth fairy. I think I saw him! I saw some twinkling lights, and I think it's the tooth fairy and his friends waiting for me to go to sleep."

The tooth fairy left five dollars. He asked me to tell him to leave his tooth so he could take it to school today to get the little treasure chest the nurse gives when you lose a tooth at school. Then the nurse was out today! He was so disappointed. But when I told him he could take it again tomorrow, his face lit up.

Here is what he looks like as the toothless wonder. It wont last long. His permanent tooth is already coming in. :-(

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