
Halloween, School Style

My Kylee-BugandTiggerbefore school yesterday morning. Doesn't get much cuter than that!

Blaine took his Rangers pumpkin (a little wilted) and entered it in the pumpkin contest at school.
He didn't win, and I was shocked! And that isn't conceit because, remember, I didn't do it! Anyway, I had to take a picture of the winners to remember who beat him..We are a competitive little family, after all, and there is next year. Bwwahaha

After school, Kylee danced her Spooktacular dances at another school's Fall Festival while Blaine and I went to his. Fall Festivals have come a LONG way! There were the regular ring tosses, basketball tosses, and pumpkin bowling, but there was also Guitar Heroand Rock Band competitions. While Joey and Blaine waited in the haunted house line, I ran to get Kylee from hers and brought her back. (Thus, the picture of her in the basketball toss.) The kids also did an Eeky Sticky Pumpkin Patchwhere they stuck their hands in yucky stuff to find Halloween Erasers.

Welcome, Halloween!

P.S. While watching Kylee pick some tattoos, I was watching her, envying her cute little butt.Was mine ever that cute? Yes, I know that's probably awful of her mother, but...it is MY blog! Again....bwahahaha

P.P.S. In the pictures of Blaine being Tigger, he was giving me his cheesy smile. I told him to give me a Tigger smile. That's what I got.

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