
Another Circus?

We left Pecos after Thanksgiving and the boys headed hunting and the girls to Ruidoso headed back to El Paso with one sick boy and two excited girls. Kellie got to come home with us since nobody was doing anything because Blaine and Kenzie were sick. The kids were so so good! It was nice to have Kellie around.

They woke up Saturday morning and played for AT LEAST an hour transferring stuffed animals up and down.

Then they decided to go outside and play. Before I knew it, I was being summoned to watch the circus. They even started with the national anthem. Then came the lion tamer

followed by the acrobats

and the grand finale of all the performers!

Then we headed to PetLand to pet the animals while we were waiting for Joey to get back in town to go see Old Dogs. Poor Blaine was so exhausted from the day and his asthma, that he slept through most of the movie, even the loud laughing coming from all around. But not to worry! He wasn't disappointed at all because he woke up in time to see the part where he sings, "I'm all outta love. I'm so lost w/out you" at the zoo while the gorilla holds him. That's ALL he cared about!

After the movie, we headed to Cappetto's so the kids could make their own pizza. I'm blogging about this to remember WHY we don't go there very much. It is outrageously expensive, and the service SUCKS! On a positive note, though, the kids did enjoy their pizza.

Before I took Kellie to meet Kyle in Van Horn Sunday afternoon, we took Kellie to Fees (Furrs). She LOVES that place! Blaine decided he was going to have fish. I was shocked and almost said no, and then realized a buffet was the place to try it. He ate EVERY bite. He loved it. Yay! I have a fish eater now! The kids went back 350 times, but only got a little bit at a time and really weren't wasteful. While eating watermelon, I commented that it was not very sweet. Kellie disagreed with me and then told me the reason mine wasn't sweet is because I was eating it with my fork and not my buck teeth. :-p

Blaine and Joey stayed home to fix the lights on the Christmas tree while Kylee and I took Kellie to Van Horn. When we got there, the storm that you see in the previous post had already hit, and it was CCOOLLDD!! Kellie told Kyle, "It's just sweater weather. That's all." But when we went to get her bags, she and Kylee jumped in the car while we stood out in the cold. Kyle opened the door and said, "Get out here in this cold if it's just sweater weather!"

When we got home, the boys had fixed the lights, so we decorated the tree. I was so glad we had it up when the snow it, too. So beautiful.

I'll leave you with pictures of the decorations Kylee did.

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