
Enjoying the Small Things

Labor Day weekend we had several offers for travel. The kids, and their mother, unanimously voted to STAY HOME!! We feel like we haven't been home on a weekend since school started.

Aunt Jackie was in town, and she came and spent Saturday afternoon with us.

She really wanted to go to Chico's while she was in town, so we took her there and to the mall for some makeup. After she went back out to Nana's, Blaine went with Elijah to a birthday party; Joey went to the valley for a fish fry; and Kylee and I curled up on the couch to watch movies. When Blaine got home, he told me that the party had a "juice box, and that's what made it a disco party."

Sunday morning, Joey went to Ft. Davis to meet Uncle Curtis. Blaine was supposed to go, but he really just wanted to stay home. The kids and I spent all day outside! They started by riding their new bikes they had gotten Friday night with their money Pops and DD gave them while we were in Ruidoso.

Then they washed my car.

Blaine washed his bike,

while Kylee painted the curb.

while I sat in my chair and read a book.

Then they rode their bikes again. Then they roller bladed.

I kept reading in my chair outside in the garage with a fan going. They kept saying, "This is the best day ever." And I kept thinking, "I feel SO content! It really is the small things!"

They rode their bikes some more, and then they found a game Papa and Nana had given them and decided to play it.

Then they rode their bikes again. As they were riding their bikes, the man down the street who now lives in the house we used to live in was outside. Kylee really wanted to go in and have a look around. Blaine doesn't remember anything about that house, so he didn't really care. But since his sister kept talking about it, he went down and asked the guy if they could go in. He let them. Kylee was so excited. Blaine recognized not one thing.

As the sun went down, they started a knife throwing contest. It was a butter knife Kylee had used to get the silly string off my sunroof while they were cleaning the car. When she threw it off the car, it landed straight up in the grass. Now they wanted to have a contest.

It was such a great day! To top it off, we ordered pizza and came in to watch Monsters, Inc...on VHS! They acted like they had never seen one! It was so 'old-timey' to them, and I felt old-timey as they went on and on about how cool it was!

Sunday morning, we got up to more VHS watching, Kylee's first dance recital.

I teared up! She was three years old, out there busting a move to Betty Boop and Staying Alive and knew every.single.step! I wish I could figure out a way to get that archaic VHS tape on here. So great!

Joey called and he and Uncle Curtis were headed into town, and Aunt Jackie was going to come in and have lunch with us, too.

We took Uncle Curtis to the airport and saw Aunt Jackie on her way to Albuquerque in the car Kylee hopes will one day be hers,

we got to our day-before-school-day chores.

Even after all our travels and adventures, sometimes it's nice to sit back and remember, it really is the small things, too!

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