
Talking 'Bout My Girl

My baby is growing...a lot. She's also organizing...a lot. It's so funny to me to see how different she is from me, too, and how much like her Mom Mom she really is. I guess it's payback since I'm so little like my Mama and so much like my Grandmommy. Maybe payback isn't the right word. Maybe it's just the way the world turns, the days of our lives, all my children. Sorry. I'm rambling.

Kylee has grown FIVE inches this year. As the weather is getting cooler, the poor girl has NOTHING to wear. The jeans I bought her in February won't even come up over her hips. (I actually have a picture of that, but don't want to completely humiliate my daughter.) That, combined with Ryan's upcoming wedding, has led us on several shopping trips lately. We had to find a dress

for she, Kellie, and McKenzie to wear to the wedding, which led to having to find shoes to wear with it. Y'all, her foot is bigger than mine! I wear a 6 1/2. She wears a 7. I will tell you, as we shopped, I became very concerned there was going to be a fight. I mean, not that I don't know who would win, because I would win. Every time. But I really didn't want her to have to wear flats. It's a double edge sword, in that she is 13 and should be able to wear a little heel, but she's only 13 and will not wear a four-inch one! She would have been fine with it, even liked it.

I am not.

After days of looking, we did finally find a compromise.

It's a 2 inch heel. I would have preferred more like a one, but it just wasn't happening.

Here's where she is like her Mom Mom. She organizes everything. Ever-ree-thing. With her own money, she bought a labeler and label tape. The first day it came in, she used every bit of that roll of label tape.

Last week she even organized her brother's entire room! Last night, on a Friday night, she came home and organized my pantry.

She's obsessed with it, and I love it. Maybe because I am not obsessed with it, but now I don't have to be!

When I started this post, it had a different title and was headed in a totally different direction. I'm gonna have to post twice in one day.

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