Remember this
post? It seems this thought is occurring to me more and more...and she's not even a teenager yet!!
Last night we had to go find her some "greek" sandals for her reading project due on Thursday (to be blogged about then). Well, we ended up in the dressing room at Justice for more than just shoes! While I was out getting her another thing to try on, she took this
of herself with my cell phone. I knew I had seen this pose before, and it
felt like it was from
my girl. Then it dawned on me! It was my girl, just not the girl that was with me. It was this girl.
(I totally stole some of these from Courtney's Facebook for this post. Sorry, Court, and thanks! ;-)) So I sent this.
Courtney is graduating from high school in June, and totally grown up. But, you see, it was just yesterday that I took this picture
by the pool at our apartment in Austin when she and her mom lived with me. Evidentally Kylee is not my only girl growing up way too fast and who I would totally turn back time for.
I digress. Back to Kylee.
When we finally did get around to buying shoes, I wanted to take a picture for Mom Mom. Even modeling only her feet, this
is what I get. Not a little girl modeling her feet, for sure!!
Blaine also found him some shoes that he
fell in love with!
His Daddy told him they were "goofy." Kylee said, "Blaine, he is a 41-year old man. What does he know about 7-year old boy shoes? Enjoy your youngness when you can still get away with buying shoes with cartoon characters on them. Because when you are almost 13 (she JUST turned 12 last month!!), you cannot get away with that!"
Then this morning as we were walking into the dance studio, I just was looking at her and suddenly thought, when did my baby become this
young lady?!
Don't get me wrong, though. She still has a LITTLE bit of little girl left. This morning when she got up, I was laying on the couch watching the boys play Wii, and she crawled in the blanket beside me, wrapped her legs around mine, and sucked her arm. Now I must live for little moments like this. Oh, and dancing with Dad Dad, too!
If I could turn back time, I would not let my baby grow up
to be a cowboy!!