
Uncle Kyle and Aunt Myra visit!

We had a big weekend this weekend. Kyle, Myra, Kellie, and McKenzie came to visit. Michael was at the boat races in Oklahoma.

We started Saturday morning at Blaine's t-ball playoffs. It's double elimination, and we lost. Soo...we HAVE to win Wednesday night.

After the game, we headed off to the mall to get McKenzie's ears pierced. When she walked in the door Friday night, the first thing she told me was, "I want you to get my ears pierced!" See, Kyle took Kylee to pierce hers; I took Kellie; so now it was McKenzie's turn. She was so excited. She had NO idea it was going to hurt.




Don't worry! She got over it, and she loves them. That night (after much objection from her Daddy, she keeps asking me if she can call me Tia. Of course, I don't care WHAT she calls me, as long as she calls me. Anyway....) she said, "Tia, thanks for getting shots in my ears." haha!

After the mall, we ate at Fuddruckers, and then Kylee and I had to rush off to her awards for dance this year. She got Best Showmanship and Best Smile.

With her dance instructors

The rest of the day was spent at the house, either in the pool or playing Wii. The videos and pictures below sum it up pretty well.

Dad Dad and Blaine "Walking on Sunshine"

Kyle flipping Kylee

Kyle flipping Kellie

Me and the girls

Uncle Kyle and Blaine

Daddy and his kids

McKenzie "putting on her lips"

Dad Dad and Mom Mom

Sunday we went to see UP in 3D...great movie! And then Kellie wanted to go eat at Fee's (Furr's). Evidentally she had been RAVING about it since the last time Dad Dad and Mom Mom took her. Those girls ate and ate. They ate their meal, then dessert, then mashed potatoes, then more dessert.

Then we headed BACK to the pool before they had to head back home. Joey was flipping Blaine the way Kyle had flipped the girls. Kylee told me Blaine did a belly "slop". Kylee decided to stand on Joey's shoulders and do a back flipped, and she flipped her head right into his head, which effectively ended the swimming for the day and the weekend. Everybody was EXHAUSTED last night. It was a fun weekend!

P.S. For those of you looking at this from an email, I think you have to go to my actual blog to see the videos.

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