
Father's Day Weekend

It was a big week for us! Terry was closed last week, and Mom Mom and Dad Dad were out of town...well, at least for part of the week. Thank GOD! my judge wasn't in the office, so I was a little more free to come and go. Sunday night the kids spent the night with Nana and Papa and then spent all day Monday with Nana. Tuesday, they went to work with me. Wednesday, I took the day off to take them to the dentist, and Thursday Mom Mom was home.

Every year when Terry is closed, we go stay at the hotel by the airport with the "big slide". This was our week for that, too.

Since it was Father's Day weekend, we invited Nana and Papa to come along to celebrate. They couldn't spend the night with us, but they did join us Saturday for some fun.

On Sunday, we took Joey and Dan to Butterfield Trail Golf Course for their Father's Day gift. We went and had brunch and played a round of golf. It was so much fun.

Kylee posing like a true golfer

Blaine with his Glub (that's what he kept calling his club)

On the course

The end

Then we went back to Dad Dad and Mom Mom's for a dip in the pool and pizza. It was a great day!

1 comment:

mbc said...

A great day and great pics too! LOVE the ones of the kids on the slide--they're fantastic!!

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