
Daddy Does Surgery

Two weeks ago my 5th grader husband hurt his thumb playing softball. He was going to catch a ball, running foward at full force, lost his balance, fell right on said right thumb, and bent it all the way back to his arm.

After a doctor visit with x-rays, he was so happy to find out it wasn't broken. After an MRI, though, he was not thrilled to discover he had to have surgery to fix his really messed up ligaments. His biggest concern?

Not being able to be a 5th grader!

So Wednesday afternoon, we headed to the surgery center, got him suited up and shaved, and sent him back to the OR.

Joey has an iron stomach. I'm so jealous. After anesthesia, I always throw up. Joey throws down! He came out of anesthesia, and he was mad! He was saying things like, "I just want to get the hell out of here!" He said things to the nurse that were just so unlike him. He was mad.

He was also in a lot of pain. When he started asking for whiskey with his hydrocodone, I knew he was going to be just fine.

That night when we went to say our prayers, I think Remington knew there was something a little off with Daddy, so he knelt to pray with him.

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