
I Give You What I Have

I've been waiting for days to post this because I wanted more information. I never got it, and my tween going on teen, is obviously not gonna give me what I crave. So here is what I have.

I took Kylee to the dance studio Saturday night at 7:00 p.m., loaded with a party tray of Chick-fil-a nuggets and a 5 gallon Igloo of sweet tea, with instructions to return at 8:00 a.m.

At 8:00 a.m., I showed up to find a bunch of sleeping girlswho hadn't gone to bed until 4:30 a.m.

I asked her how the sleepover was. She said, "Good." I said, "What'd ya'll do?" "Lots of stuff." I decided I'd let her get rest and talk to her about it again.

We loaded her stuff, got in the car, and I asked her if she wanted Starbucks. I only got a grunt or a moan or something in response, but I knew it was a no because she shook her head. But I wanted Starbucks. When I took this picturein the drive thru, she said, "I'm really sick of you taking pictures, Mom, seriously." I can play the attitude game better than most. She has no idea. So I said, "Whatever." hehe

We got home; she went upstairs; and we heard not one word from her until 4:30 that afternoon. Then all we got was, "I'm starving. Will you get me something to eat?"

Being patient, I let her eat, and then I asked, "How was the sleepover?" "Good." "What'd ya'll do?" "Lots of stuff." Here we go. I decided to try a different approach. I knew they had a talent show, so I said, "How was the talent show?" "Good."

I've tried for three days. Mom MOm asked her. Same answers. Dad Dad asked. Same answers. Daddy asked. Same answers.

I give you what I have.

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