
Cheater Cheater

See how this paper of homework spelling words is cut in half?It was NOT this way when it left our house, but it when it came home...cut in half. We pulled it out so Blaine we could write the words again at the bottom of the same sheet.

Joey said, "Blaine, why is this paper cut?" Blaine said, "Well, one of my friends didn't do his homework, so I gave him my paper. He copied the words and then cut the paper." Joey said, "Dude, you're letting your friends cheat?!" Blaine quickly got a shocked guilty look on his face. As it was already bed time and I was afraid he was gonna lie to get out of trouble and I was really wanting to get to bed with no drama (wow! now THAT'S a runon sentence, but I was having runon thoughts!), I said, "Well, since they are supposed to copy the words down from the homework sheet, it's not REALLY cheating."

My plan worked! No drama! Go, Mama! Go, Mama!

As a sidenote, yes, we did explain that if he were copying answers like in math or something, it would be cheating and not ok.

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