
SPoOkY 300!!

Can you guess what the 300 is for? We didn't go trick or treating at 300 houses (thank GOD!). We didn't end up with 300 pieces of candy (it was probably more!). I didn't gain 300 pounds eating that candy (though you wouldn't know it by looking at me!).

It's my 300th blog post!! Woot Woot. Throw confetti! Blow party horns! Woot Woot!

Now, back to blogging.

Halloween, after Blaine's costume change(Tigger was too hot, so he went with Derek), we headed to Dad Dad and Mom Mom'sfor the first trick or treat. Then we headed to the Hayes for supper and neighorhood trick or treating.

The girls

The boys

It was really dark in parts of the neighborhood (not that you can tell from my flash),and the kids loved this "haunted house. Matloved scaring me. His mask and the way he stood or carried himself totally gave me the creeps. He...and Joey...thought it was hysterical. Guess it's all part of Halloween.


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