

It's a new year, and my kids keep saying and doing the FUNNIEST things, and I just simply don't have time for memory books or baby books. So I AM I AM going to start doing this daily.

Last night during his prayer, Blaine said, as he usually does, "Thank you for everybody we love...and don't love." I have NO idea why he says and don't love, but he does. He also thanks God for everybody he knows..and doesn't know. Last night as he says, "And don't love," he says, "Like Pops." (my dad) I was thinking, oh no! He's going to say he doesn't love Pops, but then he said, "Because we love him so much." shew Then to top it off, as he ended his prayer, he said, "And thank you for making me a rock star." HA! Priceless! You see, he had been playing his little drumset in his room when I said, "It's time for bed, rockstar."

Kylee, of course, is still dancing and playing the piano. She got two teeth pulled on Friday, and was a real trooper. She asked the dentist if the tooth fairy still came if the teeth were pulled, and he assured her she did, and BECAUSE they were pulled, she got double the bucks. GREAT!!

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